I am using MapServer to create some web maps using equal area projections. Most of these are pseudo-cylindrical, and I am currently using Mollweide for the initial development.

This works fine and I even have it working with WMS to OpenLayers (OpenLayers and adding layers from different projections is a different kettle of fish, but I've asked that question elsewhere!).

With a projection like this, a zoomed out map has two areas: projected space, and non-projected space. Ie. the projected globe does not take up the entire map "canvas". To me, this means we have two background colors: the background for the shapes in projected space, and the true background of non-projected space. I hope that makes sense? I'll try with a real world example. I have a layer that shows land masses. This is green. The mapfile is set to have a blue background (for the oceans). These are being drawn correctly, but the blue is also used for areas outside the projected globe.

Is it possible to specify a different color (or "transparent") for the area outside the projected globe? The best idea I have is that I create a new layer of three shapes that cover the entire globe completely. This would be drawn as blue as the lowest layer in the mapfile, and the mapfile's background would be set to white. Is there a more efficient way?

I would also like to add a geographic graticule (ie. meridians and parallels). I've tried the GRID definition in the mapserver map file, but this simply draws a cartesian grid in projected space. Can this be done in MapServer? I guess I could again solve this with a new layer of shapes. Otherwise it is OpenLayers (with a dev version of a graticule control, or more likely - write my own code)

Richard Marsden
mapserver-users mailing list

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