
TinyOWS supports using all the same projection codes than PostGIS as srsName 
parameter in GetFeature requests. However, it is advertising only the 
DefaultSRS in the GetCapabilities and I cannot find a configuration element for 
adding extra projections in a standard WFS 1.1.0 way as "OtherSRS" elements.
There are clients like gvSIG which are parsing the OtherSRS list and build a 
dropdown menu for selecting one of the supported projections. Now OtherSRS list 
does not exist ever and gvSIG users can't select anything else that the 

I suggest adding an OtherSRS element into the configuration file which would 
have an effect on WFS 1.1.0 GetCapabilities document.

-Jukka Rahkonen-
mapserver-users mailing list

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