Re: [mapserver-users] Help (tips&tricks) on raster dataset optimization

2009-10-14 Thread Robert Sanson
If disk space is not a problem hat I would do is: 1. Transform source files into internally tiles files using "gdal_translate -of GTiff -co TILED=YES ." 2. Use gdaladdo to add internal pyramids 3. Creat a TILEINDEX using "gdaltindex myindex.shp *.tif" 4. Use "shptree myindex.shp" to create

[mapserver-users] Help (tips&tricks) on raster dataset optimization

2009-10-14 Thread BrainDrain
Hi, friends. I need an advice to choose some way to optimize my raster dataset. Source data: 39 geotiff files - satellite images of a city, each one is aprox. 600 mb uncompressed rgb/~250 mb lzw. To speedup rendering in different scales I can: 1) - transform source files into internally tiled fil