[mapserver-users] RE: Reprojecting cascading WMS requests (Rob)

2009-07-10 Thread Mark Volz
Rob, Anyone can correct me if I am wrong on this however I think you have to enter projection information in 3 times. 1) the projection of your map 2) the projection of your data, in this case the wms service so that mapserver knows what to reproject from. 3) the projection that you are requestin

[mapserver-users] Re: Reprojecting cascading WMS requests (Rob)

2009-07-14 Thread Rob
Hi Mark Thanks for the reply. But I am already putting the projection information in three places arent I? MAP PROJECTION "init=epsg:27700" END WEB METADATA "http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?map=example.map&"; WMS_SRS "EPSG:27700 ESPG:4326" END END LAYER NAME "layer"