Hi List,

I have a PostGIS database.
I have a point table representing plots.
I have to select a plot using several fields :

   * num_dep (string) : departement code,
   * nom_com (string) : city name,
   * section (string) : section number,
   * numero (string) : plot number.

I use MapServer 4.99 and Postgersql 8.1.

All my fields are strings.
Result of DescribeFeatureType request :
<complexType name="bdparcellaire_numeroType">
   <extension base="gml:AbstractFeatureType">
<element name="geometry" type="gml:PointPropertyType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
       <element name="code_dep" type="string"/>
       <element name="nom_com" type="string"/>
       <element name="section" type="string"/>
       <element name="numero" type="string"/>
       <element name="gid" type="string"/>
       <element name="oid" type="string"/>

When I do a WFS GetFeature request, mapserver doesn't format correctly strings fields that contains only numbers. Example : (to select the plot where num_dep='66' and nom_com='Baixas' and section='0A' and numero='2651')

For human people :

MapServer sends this instruction to PostGIS :
LOG: instruction : DECLARE mycursor BINARY CURSOR FOR SELECT asbinary(force_collection(force_2d(the_geom)),'NDR'),oid::text from (select code_dep, nom_com, section, numero, gid, the_geom, oid FROM localisant) as foo WHERE ( (code_dep= 66) And ( (nom_com= 'Baixas') And ( (section= '0A') And (numero= 2651) ) ) ) and (the_geom && setSRID( 'BOX3D(47650 1620400,1197850 2677450)'::BOX3D,27582) )

We can see that code_dep and numero are not quoted. It's not a problem in this example, but when I search the plot with the numero=0256, search returned no results. The plot exists ! The right request in PostGIS returns the plot.
It seems that not '0256' is search but 256.
Is it a bug ? I think so !
For me it's very very very very disturbing.
I can't use mapserver as a WFS server to select plot !
I hope someone could help me !


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