
I am trying to find some documentation on using CAST.  I can cast 2 items, but 
not 3.

The following statements with 2 fields that are casted works:

DATA "Select CAST(NORTHING AS numeric (4,2)), CAST(EASTING AS numeric (4,2)) 
from MonumentsXYZ"
DATA "Select CAST(NORTHING AS numeric (4,2)), CAST(ELEVATION AS numeric (4,2)) 
from MonumentsXYZ"

The following statement with 3 fields casted does Not work.

DATA "Select CAST(NORTHING AS numeric (4,2)), CAST(EASTING AS numeric (4,2), 
CAST(ELEVATION AS numeric (4,2)) from MonumentsXYZ"

If anyone knows if I can cast 3 items over let me know


Mark Volz

mapserver-users mailing list

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