[mapserver-users] postgis layer draws much slower than psql select statement

2013-12-03 Thread Moen, Paul T.
I am having a problem with the draw time of the following layer. LAYER NAME "Daily Precip" CONNECTION "user=XX password=XX dbname=swc host=www.fakepg.com port=5432" CONNECTIONTYPE postgis DATA "the_geom from (select (count(*)/((date '8-31-2013'- date '4-1-2013')+1)::numeric>=0.98) as lis

Re: [mapserver-users] postgis layer draws much slower than psql select statement

2013-12-03 Thread thomas bonfort
Paul, if you add a "DEBUG 2" to your LAYER definition, you'll also get some debugging info as to what is happening inside mapserver's postgis driver, along with the query that is actually sent by mapserver to postgis (as mapserver adds some spatial filtering to account for the current map view). Kn

Re: [mapserver-users] postgis layer draws much slower than psql select statement

2013-12-03 Thread Moen, Paul T.
Perfect answer Thomas! After adding DEBUG 2 in my layer, I see that the actual select statement is select "label",encode(ST_AsBinary(ST_Force_2D("the_geom"),'NDR'),'hex') as geom,"site_id" from (select (count(*)/((date '8-31-2013'- date '4-1-2013')+1)::numeric>=0.98) as list, round(sum(p.amount)