Zhao Peisheng,

I'm sorry, but I don't really know much about how the time dimension
support works in MapServer.  After reviewing the applicable howto's
I'd suggest you ask on mapserver-users.

Good luck,

On Mon, Oct 6, 2008 at 11:55 AM, zhao peisheng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Now I use gdaltindex to build a set of tile index SHP for a time-series
> data. And I put this SHPs into PostGIS But I don't know how to configure the
> tileindex in Map file. I tried to do like this. PostGIS can return the
> correct SHP file with time filter, but MapServer think it is a data file,
> not tile file, and draw failed. How to figure it out? Thanks.
>         STATUS ON
>         NAME        "AIRSSO2MAPAIDX"
>         TYPE POLYGON
>         CONNECTION  "dbname=mapserver password=anonymous user=anonymous
> port=5432"
>         DATA        "the_geom from airs_so2_map_a"
>         METADATA
>                 "wms_title"    "AIRS SO2 Map Total Ascending INDEX"
>                 "ows_service"  "none"
>         END
> #
> # AIRS SO2 Map Ascending Layer
> #
>         NAME 'AIRS_SO2_A'
>         TYPE RASTER
>         STATUS ON
>         DEBUG ON
>         DUMP TRUE
>         PROJECTION
>                 "init=epsg:4326"   ##recommended
>         END
>         METADATA
>                 wms_title       "AIRS_SO2_A"   ##required
>                 wms_timeextent  "2008-09-18/2008-10-02"
>                 wms_srs         "EPSG:4326"
>                 wms_timeitem    "time"
>                 wms_timedefault "2008-10-02"
>                 wms_extent      "-180.0 -90.0 180.0 90.0"
>         END
>         TILEITEM             "location"
>         TILEINDEX            "AIRSSO2MAPAIDX"
> END # Layer
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