For comparison, Python-Markdown[1] results in this:
foo*bar baz*quux
On 5/2/06, A. Pagaltzis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi John,
there's a bug in
[foo*bar](#) [baz*quux](#)
This expands to the following:
A good macro style is (:macroname attr=val:). It is used by PmWiki.[1]
The have applied it to the creation of conditionals (i.e., (:if
condition true:)(:ifend:)) to including other pages, creation of
forms, etc. So, there is PHP code that helps guide the way. PmWiki
also has stages of markup, and
Hi John,
there’s a bug in
[foo*bar](#) [baz*quux](#)
This expands to the following:
foobar bazquux
Those `*` should either be disregarded or the tags should nest
correctly:*bar baz*quux
2.foobar bazquux
Of course, the second option is a lot more complex to
* Anton J Aylward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-05-02 19:35]:
> Is there any way to do macros in Markdown? Or do you have any
> other suggestions?
You can hack this on top of Markdown as it is, as long as you
don’t need to nest macros inside links. Then you can write this:
> You are %%USERNAME%%
Is there any way to do macros in Markdown?
Or do you have any other suggestions?
I'm thinking of a few uses.
One is to read back system stuff that might be global or session settings.
Tell the user where they are coming from, time etc
You are %%USERNAME%%
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