Italo Vignoli wrote (21-02-14 14:05)
> On 21/02/14 11:04, Marc Paré wrote:
>> Not sure if we need to post a rebuttal argument in the response section
>> or retaliate with an article disputing MS arguments.
> I have set a phone call with the journalist at 3PM UTC, to provide our
> comments to the article (and especially to the "productivity" concept
> which MS is using to divert the focus from their format).

So some weeks now I've some idea on mind that comes in neatly maybe at
this point.
Obviously, the idea is not the most original one, but if set up with the
right details (tone towards people, program etc.) it might turn out well.

>From my contacts with administrations, I know that those that are
working with ODF (LibreOffice) or considering to work with it, often are
in a situation where 'defensiveness' and 'isolation' are prominent
emotions. It's not easy to keep (set) it up against the main stream.

Now I expect that the 'isolation part' could be tackled when people meet
at a proper forum/situation.
That could for example be a sort of (mini) congress where experiences
and sharing of wishes (cooperation) are on the agenda. Make the agenda
and theme(s) focus on the target audience, and I'm sure many will like
to join. Thus it has be be say one and a half day congress in a central
city, so that the people can do in in two day's (and an evening).
Sponsoring to make price reasonable would be a good idea probably.
Target audience thus primary administrations working with or seriously
considering so LibreOffice (OpenOffice-x). Those should be contacted
personally as much as possible.

So this will cost serious time at least, and thus serious money.
However, looking at the goals of TDF, and the great (maybe one could
even say 'vital') importance to help these front-line-adaptors go
further, it might be an idea to spend money to make such a project run?

I started describing the idea by targeting the 'isolation part' of my
(non scientific) analyses of the situation.
But obviously, such a plan has the potential to work on the feeling of
'defensiveness' to. And it might be very helpful in stimulating others
to take the chance too?

What do you think?


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