El mar, 11-09-2007 a las 21:02 +0300, Lucas Rocha escribió:
> Hi,
> > Was checking out the release notes draft.  Minor comments:
> >
> >   - "Ubuntu Linux" is a phrase not used by the Ubuntu project.  It
> > should either simply be "Ubuntu", or something like "Ubuntu GNU/Linux
> > distribution".
> I agree.
> >   - Two of the images on the page are particularly large in file size.
> > rnintroduction-screenshot.png is 400kb and rnusers-eog.png is 580kb.
> > They are both very nice, but a bit largish for slower connections.
> > Given that rnintroduction-screenshot.png is visible on the first page of
> > the release notes, it may be worth replacing with something lighter.
> > Given that it's a scaled-down image anyway, makes sense to use a jpg
> > instead that takes 250kb from a quick test here.
> +1.
> >   - "The Release Notes are available in several languages..."  This
> > paragraph follows the one ending "You can learn more about the changes
> > that happened in GNOME 2.18 from its release notes."  It's probably just
> > me, but it would be more clear to replace it with "This release notes
> > are available in several languages...".
> I didn't get it. What exactly chould be changed?
> >   - Evince section doesn't say whether you can save the filled-in PDF
> > files.
> Any evince maintainer around to confirm?

Writing to pdf is not yet supported by poppler, so it's not possible to
save the filled-in pdf. However it's possible to print it, so you can
just print it to a pdf file. 

> >   - May want to link Cairo to its website as it's an external module.
> > Also, technically, "Cairo" should be replaced by "cairo graphics
> > library", not capitalized.
> Trademark policy?
> Murray, what do you think?
> --lucasr
Carlos Garcia Campos
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