
I just subscribed after Quim forwarded my message that started this
thread to this list.

Sankarshan wrote:

> Spreading GNOME through word-of-mouth of friends who appreciate the work
> done and are recognised on the GNOME site might not be a bad idea after
> all. Although putting up a listing of the same might become cumbersome
> in the long run. Would a map "Friends of GNOME" map be a more useful
> interface ?

Yes scaling should be considered so the mechanism can hopefully work for a
while.  As long as we are dreaming the points on the map could be links
into a database of as much as the Friend it represents cares to release.
I'd actually be somewhat inclined to reduce the emphasis on the amount
contributed - seems more egalitarian - some people can afford to
contribute more and therefore different amounts have different
significance etc etc.  On the other hand peer pressure to do more is not
all bad.  Imagine trying to quantify how much work was contributed.  Whew.

Browseable by name in some fashion, having the database searchable and a
map all seem useful.

BTW I was surprized that I had to brwose quite a few Gnome pages till I
came across a reference to Open Source Software which surprized me - it's
not on the home page.  I don't really understand the Free software vs OSS.
I was pleased to see the Gnome page seemed to deemphasize the difference
in the two terms.


Fred H. Olson  Minneapolis,MN 55411  USA        (near north Mpls)
Communications for Justice - My new listserv org.       UU, Linux
My Link Page: http://fholson.cohousing.org       Ham radio:WB0YQM
fholson at cohousing.org   612-588-9532   (7am-10pm Central time)

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