I was trying to convince a friend of mine to join the revamp, when he
sent me a link to our very first project: the website of the Hungarian
Gnome Translation Project :) The web archive rules!

It's amazing to see what we did back in 2001 (January!). According to a
news item our site is finally on-line, not finished yet, but the release
of Gnome 1.4 is coming soon :)

It was all custom PHP code, written by the two of us (that's how we met
and became best friends).

Some highlights:
- main page with news
- the translator's workshop with the option to download
  or edit the po files online
- viewing the po file
  the crawler was not authenticated, so it is in bug report mode
  (the bug report page is unfortunately not cached)
  logged in users were allowed to edit the po file, 10 lines at
  a time IIRC
- statistics page, DB powered, with filtering

It's a piece of history now, that I thought could be interesting to
share. BTW this was waaay before launchpad/rosetta :))


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