Cascadia Research is a non-profit organization based in Olympia, WA,
USA.  We are the central matching office for the SPLASH humpback whale
study, in which five field seasons of photo-ID data were collected from
breeding and feeding areas across the North Pacific, 2004-2006.  We are
seeking a skilled humpback whale matcher to assist in the compilation of
photos in the SPLASH collection.
Qualified applicants should have at least one year of experience
matching humpback whale fluke photos, ideally using large (>1,000
individuals) printed catalogs.  Additionally, they should have solid
data entry skills, and a familiarity with Microsoft Access or similar is
helpful.  Matchers must be able to match both accurately and efficiently
for most of an 8-hour work day, while working in a small, open office
environment alongside other matchers (which can be distracting).
Comparison of SPLASH collections involves a somewhat complex system of
accounting and peripheral data is collected with each fluke compared, so
good organizational skills are imperative.  A match test may be
administered to candidates prior to hire.
The position is open starting June 1, 2007.  Employment will be
full-time (~40 hours per week) through late-January 2008, at our office
in Olympia, WA.  Pay is $15 per hour.
For more information, please contact Erin Falcone
<blocked::mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ).  Serious applicants
should attach a resume and include references with contact information
for previous matching experience.
Erin Andrea Falcone
Cascadia Research
218 1/2 West 4th Ave.
Olympia, WA 98501
360-943-7325 (Office)
360-943-7026 (Fax)
360-789-6474 (Cell)
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