Dear MARMAM readers, Marine Mammal Research Center (DMAD) is inviting 
volunteers to participate in thefirst season of boat based cetacean surveys in 
the Turkish coast ofMediterranean. Theproject aims to determine the cetacean 
fauna, their distribution and habitats inthe Antalya Bay. 9 cetacean species 
were recorded in the Turkish part of theMediterranean so far. While 
bottlenosedolphins, striped dolphins, common dolphins, Risso's dolphins, 
Cuvier's beaked whale wereconsidered common, minke whale, fin whale, sperm 
whale, long-finned pilot whaleand  Mesoplodonsp. were considered rare. However, 
there wasn't any consistant or a long termstudy in the area to identify the 
cetacean residency in the area. Many listed cetacean species were categorized 
either as data deficient, vulnerableor endangered.  Therefore, the project 
aimto fullfill the gaps of missing long term studies in the area by 
collectingdata on cetacean fauna. Volunteers willbe responsible from collecting 
sighting and behavioural data together with organisingphoto-ID files thus you 
will obtain hands-on experience in marine mammalsresearch, boat based field 
work. Moreover intensive training and mentoring inmarine mammals, photo-ID, 
statistics and GIS will be provided.Volunteers should be prepared forlong 
working days in the field, hours of work may vary between 6 to 12 hoursper day, 
and expect to wake up very early (around 4:30 a.m.). The work will becarried 
under hot or cold weathers conditions. The field work will take around 2days in 
a week and office work will take a day or two.Successful applicants will 
beresponsible for their own transportation to and from Antalya-Turkey. As a 
newly formed  NGO, the DMAD is just a self-funded centre which means that no 
outside funding israised yet . In order for you to volunteer, you will have to 
pay a volunteeringfee that includes the accommodation andcovers a part of other 
expenses such as the rent for theresearch vessels, the work equipment and their 
maintenance. Thus, the project cango on independently.  Successful applicants 
will need to:- be able to live and work withothers in a multi cultural 
team-have a strong desire to work withmarine mammals under harsh condition This 
project provides an excellentopportunity for students and individuals 
interested in getting more experienceand knowledge in the field of marine 
mammal research. Applicants should send a short emailintroducing themselves to The email should include an outline of why you would 
like to work on this project.Please also attach a brief CV.  There is no 
deadline to apply.However, approved applications are accepted on a first-come, 
first serve basis.Start and end dates are flexible. All the best,Aylin Akkaya 
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