The following paper has just been published:

Kinship influences sperm whale social organization within, but generally not 
among, social units

by: Christine M. Konrad, Shane Gero, Timothy Frasier, Hal Whitehead

Royal Society Open Science 5: 180914

Sperm whales have a multi-level social structure based upon long-term, 
cooperative social units. What role kinship plays in structuring this society 
is poorly understood. We combined extensive association data (518 days, during 
2005–2016) and genetic data (18 microsatellites and 346 bp mitochondrial DNA 
(mtDNA) control region sequences) for 65 individuals from 12 social units from 
the Eastern Caribbean to examine patterns of kinship and social behaviour. 
Social units were clearly matrilineally based, evidenced by greater relatedness 
within social units (mean r = 0.14) than between them (mean r = 0.00) and 
uniform mtDNA haplotypes within social units. Additionally, most individuals 
(82.5%) had a first-degree relative in their social unit, while we found no 
first-degree relatives between social units. Generally and within social units, 
individuals associated more with their closer relatives (matrix correlations: 
0.18–0.25). However, excepting a highly related pair of social units that 
merged over the study period, associations between social units were not 
correlated with kinship (p > 0.1). These results are the first to robustly 
demonstrate kinship's contribution to social unit composition and association 
preferences, though they also reveal variability in association preferences 
that is unexplained by kinship. Comparisons with other matrilineal species 
highlight the range of possible matrilineal societies and how they can vary 
between and even within species.

DOI: 10.1098/rsos.180914

You can download a pdf at:

Christine Konrad
Dalhousie University
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