[MARMAM] New publication on Cuvier’s beaked whale’s eDNA

2024-04-06 Thread Elena Agnese Valsecchi
Dear colleagues, My co-authors and I are pleased to share with you our publication describing a molecular assay able to detect Cuvier’s beaked whale’s DNA traces: Boldrocchi G, Conte L, Galli P, Bettinetti R and Valsecchi E 2024. “Cuvier's beaked whale (*Ziphius cavirostris*) detection through

[MARMAM] new publication on the Mediterranean monk seal distribution inferred by a citizen-science based eDNA survey

2023-02-20 Thread Elena Agnese Valsecchi
Dear all, My co-authors and I are pleased to share our recent publication: “*Playing “hide and seek” with the Mediterranean monk seal: a citizen science dataset reveals its distribution from molecular traces (eDNA)*”, Valsecchi, E., Tavecchia, G., Boldrocchi, G., Coppola E., Ramella D., Conte L.,

[MARMAM] New publication: A species-specific qPCR assay provides novel insight into range expansion of the Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus) by means of eDNA analysis

2022-02-15 Thread Elena Agnese Valsecchi
Dear colleagues, We are pleased to share with you our new publication on a novel non-invasive approach for the study of the Mediterranean monk seal: Elena Valsecchi, Emanuele Coppola, Rosa Pires, Andrea Parmegiani, Maurizio Casiraghi, Paolo Galli & Antonia Bruno. A species-specific qPCR assay

[MARMAM] New publication on Ferries and environmental DNA

2021-09-13 Thread Elena Agnese Valsecchi
Dear colleagues, My co-authors and I are pleased to share with you our publication describing an innovative methodology for monitoring the distribution of marine mammals and their preys by means of environmental DNA analysis, using ferries as sampling platforms: Elena Valsecchi, Antonella Arcang

[MARMAM] new publication on marine mammal eDNA surveys

2020-02-07 Thread Elena Agnese Valsecchi
Dear MARMAM readers, My co-authors and I are pleased to announce the publication of our new article in Environmental DNA: Novel universal primers for metabarcoding environmental DNA surveys of marine mammals and other marine vertebrates Elena Valsecchi, Jonas Bylemans, Simon J. Goodman, Roberto L