Dear Colleagues,

We are working on a project to pull together what we know about marine mammal 
tracking (tag and transmitter) devices as algal or invertebrate species 
dispersal vectors.

We write to ask if you have observed marine invertebrates or algae attached to 
tracking devices attached to marine mammals, and, if so, if you have either (1) 
photographs, (2) biofouled devices that we could examine (and return to you) or 
(3) field notes related to this phenomena?  Equally valuable would be any 
directions in which you might point us, including marine mammal colleagues you 
know who may have observations to share. Key data include (if possible) the 
tagged location/date and retrieval location/date.

Many thanks for any observations, reports, or stories you may have heard, from 
anywhere in the world.

Jan Hodder<>
University of Oregon
Oregon Institution of Marine Biology
Charleston, Oregon

James T. Carlton<>
Ocean & Coastal Studies Program
Williams College - Mystic Seaport
Mystic Connecticut

Jan Hodder
Oregon Institute of Marine Biology
University of Oregon
PO Box  5389
OR 97420
Packages: 63466 Boat Basin Drive

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