Dear fellow MARMAMers and colleagues,

I am a graduate student at Oregon State University looking to gather information and acoustic samples of Hawaiian Monk seal vocalizations underwater. If you have, or know of anyone with underwater recordings of Hawaiian Monk seals (whether directly or indirectly in the background), previous or ongoing studies/research, or even unpublished observations such as from a rehab facility or any time spent underwater; could you please forward me any information or names as to whom I could contact for further information.

I am trying to compile sufficient evidence to determine the feasibility of using passive aoustic monitoring on Hawaiian Monk seal populations. However, the availability and/or accessilibity of existing recordings or studies containing or pretaining to underwater monk seal vocalizations is minimal.

If anyone has information or could help in any way, please contact me at

Thank you very much for your time and assistance.

Marci Shindel

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