
As in countless other fields of human endeavor, small unmanned aircraft systems 
(sUAS) have the potential to benefit pinniped (Pinnipedia; e.g., Phocidae 
[seals], Otariidae [sea lions], and Odobenidae [walruses]) response efforts. 
The employment of sUAS could give responders a close-up look at animals in 
distress in order to determine their condition as well as develop a response 
strategy. However, unlike other subjects that are regularly inspected by sUAS 
(e.g., croplands and civil infrastructure) pinnipeds may respond to the 
distinctive sound generated by small, multirotor sUAS. This reaction may 
include retreating into the water en masse, which could put the target 
individual out of reach of the response team. To potentially prevent this 
outcome, this exploratory field study established sUAS acoustic profiles 
through quantitative and qualitative measures for multiple aircraft across a 
range of distance and altitude. These data were collected in both a secluded 
rural environment and a coastal environment. The results indicate that sUAS 
sound pressure levels at least 20 dBA (re 20 µPa) below the ambient noise floor 
are required to completely mask the distinctive sound of the aircraft to human 
hearing. The results were used to create aircraft operational envelopes to 
potentially mitigate disturbance while optimizing visual information. To 
reflect the type of sUAS that would likely be available to small, non-profit 
marine mammal response groups working in remote locations, the aircraft studied 
were limited to compact models $3,000 or less.

"sUAS Acoustic Analysis for Noninvasive Marine Mammal Response" by David 
Thirtyacre, Gennifer Brookshire et 
As in countless other fields of human endeavor, small unmanned aircraft systems 
(sUAS) have the potential to benefit pinniped (Pinnipedia; e.g., Phocidae 
[seals], Otariidae [sea lions], and Odobenidae [walruses]) response efforts. 
The employment of sUAS could give responders a close-up look at animals in 
distress in order to determine their condition as well as develop a response 
For questions contact: Ceto Marine Research, cetodro...@gmail.com


Sarah Callan

Assistant Manager, Animal Rescue Program

55 Coogan Boulevard

Mystic, Connecticut 06355

Office: 860-572-5955 x 134

Cell: 860-625-1169

Hotline: 860-572-5955 x 107



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