Dear MARMAM community,

My co-authors and I are pleased to share our new publication: Polychlorinated 
biphenyls are associated with reduced testes weights in harbour porpoises 
(Phocoena phocoena), which has been published in Environment International. The 
article is open access and is available to read here:

Williams, R.S., Curnick, D.J., Brownlow, A., Barber, J.L., Barnett, J., 
Davison, N.J., Deaville, R., Ten Doeschate, M., Perkins, M., Jepson, P.D. and 
Jobling, S., 2021. Polychlorinated biphenyls are associated with reduced testes 
weights in harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena). Environment International, 


Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are highly toxic and persistent aquatic 
pollutants that are known to bioaccumulate in a variety of marine mammals. They 
have been associated with reduced recruitment rates and population declines in 
multiple species. Evidence to date documents effects of PCB exposures on female 
reproduction, but few studies have investigated whether PCB exposure impacts 
male fertility. Using blubber tissue samples of 99 adult and 168 juvenile 
UK-stranded harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) collected between 1991 and 
2017, here we show that PCBs exposures are associated with reduced testes 
weights in adults with good body condition. In animals with poor body 
condition, however, the impact of PCBs on testes weights was reduced, 
conceivably due to testes weights being limited by nutritional stress. This is 
the first study to investigate the relationship between PCB contaminant burden 
and testes weights in cetaceans and represents a substantial advance in our 
understanding of the relationship between PCB exposures and male reproductive 
biology in cetaceans. As testes weight is a strong indicator of male fertility 
in seasonally breeding mammals, we suggest the inclusion of such effects in 
population level impact assessments involving PCB exposures. Given the 
re-emergent PCB threat our findings are globally significant, with potentially 
serious implications for long-lived mammals. We show that more effective PCB 
controls could have a substantial impact on the reproductive health of coastal 
cetacean species and that management actions may need to be escalated to ensure 
adequate protection of the most vulnerable cetacean populations.

Feel free to email me 
(<>) if you have any 
questions or if you would like to discuss our findings further. Also, if you 
are unable to access the article at the above link then I would be happy to 
send you a copy of the manuscript.



Rosie Williams
Zoological Society of London & Brunel University London
Twitter: @RosieSWilliams1


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