Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the publication of our latest results in Marine 
Ecology Progress Series:
Benti et al. (2021) Indication that the behavioural responses of humpback 
whales to killer whale sounds are influenced by trophic relationships. Mar Ecol 
Prog Ser 660:217-232. DOI: 10.3354/meps13592

Eavesdropping, the detection of communication signals by unintended receivers, 
can be beneficial in predator–prey interactions, competition, and cooperation. 
The cosmopolitan killer whale Orcinus orca has diverged into several ecotypes 
which exhibit specialised diets and different vocal behaviours. These ecotypes 
have diverse ecological relationships with other marine mammal species, and 
sound could be a reliable sensory modality for eavesdroppers to discriminate 
between ecotypes and thereby respond adaptively. Here, we tested whether 
humpback whales Megaptera novaeangliae in the northeast Atlantic responded 
differently to playback of the sounds of two killer whale ecotypes, northeast 
Atlantic herring-feeding killer whales representing food competitors and 
northeast Pacific mammal-eating killer whales simulating potential predators. 
We used animal-borne tags and surface visual observations to monitor the 
behaviour of humpback whales throughout playback experiments. Humpback whales 
clearly approached the source of herring-feeding killer whale sounds (5/6 
cases), suggesting a ‘dinner-bell’ attraction effect. Responses to 
mammal-eating killer whale sounds varied with the context of presentation: 
playback elicited strong avoidance responses by humpback whales in offshore 
waters during summer (7/8 cases), whereas the whales either approached (2/4 
cases) or avoided (2/4 cases) the sound source in inshore waters during winter. 
These results indicate that humpback whales may be able to functionally 
discriminate between the sounds of different killer whale ecotypes. Acoustic 
discrimination of heterospecific sounds may be widespread among marine mammals, 
suggesting that marine mammals could rely on eavesdropping as a primary source 
of information to make decisions during heterospecific encounters.

Benjamin Benti (on behalf of all authors)

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