My co-authors and I are pleased to share our recently published article:

García-Párraga, D., Moore, M. and Fahlman, A. (2018). Pulmonary ventilation– 
perfusion mismatch: a novel hypothesis for how diving vertebrates may avoid the 
bends. Proceedings Royal Society B 285: p. 20180482-2018048.

This article is open access and copies can be downloaded at: 
<>  For further 
information, please contact 

How some marine mammals and turtles can repeatedly dive as deep and long as 
they do has perplexed scientists for a very long time. This review opens a new 
window through which we can take a new perspective on the question

Hydrostatic lung compression in diving marine mammals, with collapsing alveoli 
blocking gas exchange at depth, has been the main theoretical basis for 
limiting N2 uptake and avoiding gas emboli as they ascend. However, studies of 
beached and bycaught cetaceans and sea turtles imply that air breathing marine 
vertebrates may, under unusual circumstances, develop gas emboli that result in 
decompression sickness (DCS) symptoms. Theoretical modeling of tissue and blood 
gas dynamics of breath-hold divers suggests that changes in perfusion and blood 
flow distribution may also play a significant role. The results from the 
modeling work suggest that our current understanding of diving physiology in 
many species is poor, as the models predict blood and tissue N2 levels that 
would result in severe DCS severe symptoms (chokes, paralysis and death) in a 
large fraction of natural dive profiles. In this review, we combine published 
results from marine mammals and turtles to propose alternative mechanisms for 
how marine vertebrates control gas exchange in the lung, through management of 
the pulmonary distribution of alveolar ventilation (V) and cardiac output/lung 
perfusion (Q), varying the level of V/Q in different regions of the lung. 
Man-made disturbances, causing stress, could alter the V/Q  mismatch level in 
the lung, resulting in an abnormally elevated uptake of N2, increasing the risk 
for gas emboli. Our hypothesis provides avenues for new areas of research, 
offers an explanation for how sonar exposure may alter physiology causing gas 
emboli, and provides a new mechanism for how marine vertebrates usually avoid 
the diving related problems observed in human divers.

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