In response to Eduardo Fernandez's May 27 request for a review of The
HSUS/WSPA booklet "The Case Against Marine Mammals in Captivity, a
critical review is always welcome; among other reasons, it assists in
improving future editions.  However, I would like to note that the
public display community has had (for decades) ample opportunity -
including in U.S. law - to make the argument FOR holding marine mammals
in captivity.  The "pro" platforms are myriad and include "Shamu TV" in
San Diego, the facilities themselves, and any number of web sites,
travel articles in popular media, and so on.  The purpose of The
HSUS/WSPA booklet was and is to respond to and rebut the claims made
from those platforms - I would think an open debate on this topic would
be welcome by both sides.


A common argument made by the public display community is that those who
oppose holding marine mammals in captivity have only emotional support
for their position.  The main motivation for producing this booklet is
simply to point out that, on the contrary, there are substantive and
yes, even science-based arguments AGAINST holding marine mammals in
captivity.  The views expressed in the booklet are supported by factual
events, by peer-reviewed literature, and by other science-based
documentation, where it exists.  The rest is based on logic and
organizational ethics and beliefs.  It's a position paper - rebuttals
(that are equally substantive and supported by peer-reviewed and
science-based documentation where possible) are encouraged.



Naomi A. Rose, Ph.D.
Senior Scientist
International Policy
Humane Society International
700 Professional Drive
Gaithersburg, MD 20879  USA
Ph   301 258 3048
Fax 301 258 3082
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