Dear MARMAM and ECS-talk subscribers,
Aquatic Mammals is proud to announce that issue 4 of Volume 39 is now available 
online (see below for full citations). Also, we updated the journal's website 
for our visitors. The site is now easier to navigate, and will display 
correctly on all mobile devices. Take a look around as you check out the new 
articles from our distinguished colleagues in this most recent issue.
Click on the below DOI links to go to the journal’s website, where online 
subscribers can log in and download the latest articles. For individuals with a 
print subscription, the joint hardcopy of 39.3/39.4 will be mailed in early 
December. To obtain a PDF, please subscribe to Aquatic Mammals by following 
this link or contact the corresponding author 
for reprints. Please do not contact the listserv editors for PDFs or copies of 
the articles. PDFs of individual articles can also be purchased directly from 
the website.
Aquatic Mammals is the longest running peer-reviewed journal dedicated to 
research on aquatic mammals and is published quarterly with manuscripts 
available as published PDFs in real time. Further information about the journal 
can be found at:
Instructions for authors and formatting guidelines can be found in the first 
volume of each issue and at this link:
To submit a manuscript for publication consideration, please visit:
Thank you for your continued interest in the journal and issue postings.
With regards,
Kathleen Dudzinski, Ph.D.
Editor, Aquatic Mammals
Research Articles
Kastelein, R.A., Steen, N., Gransier, R., de Jong, C.A.F. 2013. Brief 
Behavioral Response Threshold Level of a Harbor Porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) to 
an Impulsive Sound. AquaticMammals 39(4): 315-323. DOI:
Lewis, L., Lamb, S.V., Schaefer, A.M., Reif, J.S., Bossart, G.D., Fair, P.A. 
2013. Influence of Collection and Storage Conditions on Adrenocorticotropic 
Hormone (ACTH) Measurements in Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). 
Aquatic Mammals 39(4): 324-329. DOI:
Daniels, R.L., Smith, C.R.,Venn-Watson, S. 2013. Effects of Freeze-Thaw Cycle 
on Urine Values from Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). Aquatic Mammals 
39(4): 330-334. DOI:
Dudzinski, K.M., Danaher-García, N., Gregg, J.D. 2013. Pectoral Fin Contact 
Between Dolphin Dyads at Zoo Duisburg, with Comparison to Other Dolphin Study 
Populations. Aquatic Mammals 39(4): 335-343. DOI:
Yeater, D.B., Miller, L.E., Caffery, K.A., Kuczaj II, S.A. 2013. Effects of an 
Increase in Group Size on the Social Behavior of a Group of Rough-Toothed 
Dolphins (Steno bredanensis).Aquatic Mammals 39(4): 344-355. DOI:
Nowacek, D.P., Bröker, K., Donovan, G., Gailey, G., Racca, R., Reeves, R.R., et 
al. 2013. Responsible Practices for Minimizing and Monitoring Environmental 
Impacts of Marine Seismic Surveys with an Emphasis on Marine Mammals. Aquatic 
Mammals 39(4): 356-377. DOI:
Iwata, T., Yonezaki, S., Kohyama, K., Mitani, Y. 2013. Detection of Grooming 
Behaviours with an Acceleration Data Logger in a Captive Northern Fur Seal 
(Callorhinus ursinus).Aquatic Mammals 39(4): 378-384. DOI:
Short Notes
Alstrup, A.K.O., Hedayat, A., Jensen, T.H., Hammer, A.S., Munk, O.L., Jensen, 
H.E. 2013. Necropsy Report of a Fin Whale (Balaenoptera physalus) Stranded in 
Denmark in 2010.Aquatic Mammals 39(4): 385-388. DOI:
Boström, M.K., Krog, C., Kindt-Larsen, L., Lunneryd, S-G., Wahlberg, M. 2013. 
Acoustic Activity of Harbour Porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) Around Gill Nets. 
Aquatic Mammals39(4): 389-396. DOI:
Atkins, S., Cliff, G., Pillay, N. 2013. Multiple Captures of Humpback Dolphins 
(Sousa plumbea) in the KwaZulu-Natal Shark Nets, South Africa. Aquatic Mammals 
39(4): 397-400. DOI:
Ponnampalam, L.S., Hines, E.M., Monanunsap, S., Ilangakoon, A.D., Junchompoo, 
C., Adulyanukosol, K., et al. 2013. Behavioral Observations of Coastal 
Irrawaddy Dolphins (Orcaella brevirostris) in Trat Province, Eastern Gulf of 
Thailand. Aquatic Mammals 39(4): 401-408. DOI:
Silva, I.F., Kaufman, G.D., Rankin, R.W., Maldini , D. 2013. Presence and 
Distribution of Hawaiian False Killer Whales (Pseudorca crassidens) in Maui 
County Waters: A Historical Perspective. Aquatic Mammals 39(4): 409-414. DOI:
Elorriaga-Verplancken, F.R., Morales-Luna Hadrys, L. Moreno-Sánchez, 
X.G.,Mendoza-Salas, I. 2013. Inferences on the Diet of the Eastern Pacific 
Harbor Seal (Phoca vitulina richardii) at the Southern End of Its Distribution: 
Stable Isotopes and Scats Analyses. Aquatic Mammals 39(4): 415-421. DOI:

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