Dear MARMAM subscribers,
The second issue of volume 48 (48.2) of Aquatic Mammals journal is published 
Aquatic Mammals is the longest running peer-reviewed journal dedicated to 
research on aquatic mammals and is published every two months with manuscripts 
available as published PDFs in real time.  
Further information about the journal can be found at: <>
To submit a manuscript for publication consideration, please visit: 
Happy Reading!
With regards,
Kathleen M. Dudzinski, Ph.D.
Editor, Aquatic Mammals Journal <>
Volume 48, Issue 2 (Items preceded by an ** are open access)
**Ronald A. Kastelein, Christ A. F. de Jong, Jakob Tougaard, Lean Helder-Hoek, 
and Linde N. Defillet. (2022). Behavioral Responses of a Harbor Porpoise 
(Phocoena phocoena) Depend on the Frequency Content of Pile-Driving Sounds. 
Aquatic Mammals, 48(2), 97-109. 
**Minjee Choe, Soojin Jang, Miyeon Kim, Byung-Yeob Kim, and Jae Chun Choe. 
(2022). Indo-Pacific Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops aduncus) Repeatedly 
Self-Confining in a Traditionally Built Basin Off Jeju Island, Republic of 
Korea. Aquatic Mammals, 48(2), 110-116. 
Chiara Guidino, Elizabeth Campbell, Alessandra Bielli, Andrea Pasara-Polack, 
Joanna Alfaro-Shigueto, and Jeffrey C. Mangel. (2022). Pingers Reduce Small 
Cetacean Bycatch in a Peruvian Small-Scale Driftnet Fishery, but Humpback Whale 
(Megaptera novaeangliae) Interactions Abound. Aquatic Mammals, 48(2), 117-125. 
Marina Griselda Riera, Daniel Lucchetti, and Mariano A. Coscarella. (2022). 
Natural Barrier Feeding Technique in Megaptera novaeangliae in Central Coastal 
Area of Golfo San Jorge, Patagonia, Argentina. Aquatic Mammals, 48(2), 126-131. 
Eric A. Ramos, Isidore D. Szczepaniak, J. Daisy Kaplan, and Diana Reiss. 
(2022). Potential Infanticide Attempt of Common Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops 
truncatus) on a Young Calf in a Tropical Caribbean Atoll. Aquatic Mammals, 
48(2), 132-141. 
Kate S. Lomac-MacNair, Ann M. Zoidis, Darren S. Ireland, Meghan E. Rickard, and 
Kim A. McKown. (2022). Fin, Humpback, and Minke Whale Foraging Events in the 
New York Bight as Observed from Aerial Surveys, 2017-2020. Aquatic Mammals, 
48(2), 142-158. 
**Brian M. Quigley, Todd R. Speakman, Brian C. Balmer, Hollis M. Europe, 
Antoinette M. Gorgone, Teri K. Rowles, Carrie Sinclair, Eric S. Zolman, and 
Lori H. Schwacke. (2022). Observations of a Benthic Foraging Behavior Used by 
Common Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in Barataria Basin, Louisiana, 
USA. Aquatic Mammals, 48(2), 159-166. 
**Grace L. Olson, Stephanie H. Stack, Abigail F. Machernis, Florence A. 
Sullivan, and Jens J. Currie. (2022). Mapping the Exposure of Pantropical 
Spotted Dolphins and Common Bottlenose Dolphins to Different Categories of 
Vessel Traffic in Maui Nui, Hawai‘i. Aquatic Mammals, 48(2), 167-181. 
Valerio Manfrini, Roberto Poscia, Elisabetta Messaggio, Sara Proietti, Sara 
Palumbo, Letizia Fiorucci, Francesco Grande, Barbara Biancani, Nicola Pussini, 
Francesca Mastorci, Mirko Passera, Antonio Profico, Veronica Mariotti, Alberto 
Fanfani, Angelo Gemignani, Silvia Pellegrini, Paolo Manunta, and Claudia Gili. 
(2022). Endogenous Ouabain in Human and Animal Models of Hypoxia. Aquatic 
Mammals, 48(2), 182-194. 
**Marc Webber, William Keener, and Tim Markowitz. (2022). In Memoriam: Isidore 
“Izzy” D. Szczepaniak (1950-2021). Aquatic Mammals, 48(2), 195-196. 
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