We are pleased to announce the workshop “Perspectives and future steps in
behavioral response studies of cetaceans in relation to anthropogenic
sound” will be held at the SMM Conference on Saturday the 12th of December

We hope for an interactive workshop with a wide range of participants from
industry and government to academia and NGOs. The workshop is full day,
including invited speakers, audience questionnaires and ample time for
discussion. Full details of the workshop are available at the conference

All registration for the workshop is through the conference website and
costs $80 if you register before 15th September. Any further queries about
the workshop can be directed at myself (s...@st-andrews.ac.uk) or Catriona (

Kind regards,

Saana Isojunno & Catriona Harris

Centre for Research into Ecological & Environmental Modelling (CREEM)

University of St Andrews

St Andrews

KY16 9LZ

Fife, UK
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