***Please note that the original email used a link to an incorrect version
of this survey. The link has been corrected in the email that is below, and
can also be found here

Dear MARMAM community,

In an effort to estimate the frequency and extent of collaborative sample
sharing in marine mammal research, I and my colleagues have generated a
short (3-5 minute) survey
are hoping for responses from a representative sample of the marine mammal
research community. The survey comes in two sections: the first section
documents published studies that have involved sample sharing and is
intended for analysis to be included in an upcoming literature review of
best practices in sample collection, processing, and archival; the second
(optional) section assesses individual interest in sharing samples or data
for collaborative studies and is intended only to gauge community opinion
on this topic and the potential for future workshops or discussion of the

We appreciate your support in completing this survey
Please complete the survey by *January 29, 2021*. Although response time
may vary, we expect it to take an average of *3-5 minutes* to complete both
sections of the survey.

survey url:

Thank you all for your help, and best wishes in 2021.

Kim Parsons, Alix Switzer, and Amy Van Cise

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Amy M. Van Cise, Ph.D. <https://amyvancise.weebly.com/>

Research Associate, North Gulf Oceanic Society
Visiting Scientist, Genetics and Evolution Program
NOAA Northwest Fisheries Science Center
2725 Montlake Blvd E
Seattle, WA
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