As some of you know, Carole Carlson died on March 24th after a long
illness.  The following is taken from an obituary, the full version of
which can be found here:

Carole was Director of Research and Education for the Dolphin Fleet Whale
Watch, Research Associate at the College of the Atlantic (COA) and Adjunct
Scientist at the Center for Coastal Studies (CCS) with whom she developed
the first humpback whale catalog. Her research on the pigmentation patterns
used to identify individual humpback whales continues to influence how
population studies are done today. An expert on photo-identification
techniques, humpback whales and whale watching, she received her doctoral
degree in Biology and Ecology at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova
Scotia. She collaborated educational and conservation data collection
programs for the Dolphin Fleet Whale Watch that is the prototype of the
NMFS and Whale and Dolphin Conservation’s “Whale Sense’ Program for the
Gulf of Maine, the CCS and the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary,
also regionally in Chile, Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay. She spent over
thirty years studying large cetaceans off the east coast of the United
States, Puerto Rico, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, the Dominican
Republic and the Eastern Caribbean.

She was Co-Chair of the Scientific Committee of the International Whaling
Commission on Whale-watching and facilitated the Antarctic Humpback Whale
Catalogue archived at the COA. She organized and conducted international,
local and regional whale-watching workshops and operators training programs
on whale watch guidelines and regulations for Puerto Rico, Bonnaire,
Dominica, Iceland, St Lucia, South Africa, Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Oman
and the USA. She authored scientific papers as well as education materials
for distribution in the United States, the Wider Caribbean Region, Japan,
Taiwan and South America.

Carole promoted the Protocol Concerning Specially Protected Areas and
Wildlife (SPAW) of the Cartegena Convention of the United Nations
Environmental Program (UNEP) and helped draft its Marine Mammal Action
Plan. Other affiliations: Board of Director of Pacific Whale Foundation,
Scientific Advisor for: International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW,)
Cetacean Society International, Centro de Conservation Cetacea, Right Whale
Project of Uruguay, Whale Conservation Institute, Argentina, Brazilian
Right Whale Project, and UNEP.

And lastly, she was Executive Director of the Peaked Hill Trust, a
conservation organization for the Natural Heritage Cultural Community of
Dune Shacks in the Cape Cod National Seashore.

I would note that Carole was recognized for her work - and warm presence -
at the IWC in a remembrance held during the recent Scientific Committee
meeting in Slovenia; the tributes are on video here:

Carole was a wonderful inspiration and a good friend to many, and she will
be much missed.

Phil Clapham

Phillip J. Clapham, Ph.D.
Leader, Cetacean Assessment and Ecology Program
Marine Mammal Laboratory
Alaska Fisheries Science Center
7600 Sand Point Way NE
Seattle, WA 98115, USA

Associate Editor, *Royal Society Open Science*

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