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Kindest Regards,
Jan Herrmann

------ Marine Mammal Science Vol. 23(4) ------

Moore, M. et al. 2007. Rehabilitation and release 
of marine mammals in the united states: Risks and 
benefits. Marine Mammal Science 23(4): 731-750.

Trites, A.W. et al. 2007. Killer whales, whaling, 
and sequential megafaunal collapse in the North 
Pacific: A comparative analysis of the dynamics 
of marine mammals in Alaska and British Columbia 
following commercial whaling. Marine Mammal 
Science 23(4): 751-765.

Wade, P.R. et al. 2007. Killer whales and marine 
mammal trends in the North Pacific - A 
re-examination of evidence for sequential 
megafauna collapse and the prey-switching 
hypothesis. Marine Mammal Science 23(4): 766-802.

Branch, T.A. et al. 2007. Separating southern 
blue whale subspecies based on length frequencies 
of sexually mature females. Marine Mammal Science 
23(4): 803-833.

Condit, R. et al. 2007. Estimating population 
size in asynchronous aggregations: A bayesian 
approach and test with elephant seal censuses. 
Marine Mammal Science 23(4): 834-855.

Mellinger, D.K. et al. 2007. Seasonal occurrence 
of North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena 
glacialis) vocalizations at two sites on the 
scotian shelf. Marine Mammal Science 23(4): 

Parks, S.E. et al. 2007. Occurrence, composition, 
and potential functions of North Atlantic right 
whale (Eubalaena glacialis) surface active 
groups. Marine Mammal Science 23(4): 868-887.

Zimmer, W.M.X. and P.L. Tyack. 2007. Repetitive 
shallow dives pose decompression risk in 
deep-diving beaked whales. Marine Mammal Science 
23(4): 888-925.


Young, J.K., C.J. Hernandez-Camacho, and L.R. 
Gerber. 2007. Long-distance movement of a 
pinniped neonate. Marine Mammal Science 23(4): 

Fonfara, S., U. Siebert, and A. Prange. 2007. 
Cytokines and acute phase proteins as markers for 
infection in harbor porpoises (Phocoena 
phocoena). Marine Mammal Science 23(4): 931-942.

Daisy Kaplan, J. and R.C. Connor. 2007. A 
preliminary examination of sex differences in 
tactile interactions among juvenile Atlantic 
spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis). Marine 
Mammal Science 23(4): 943-953.

Dalebout, M.L. et al. 2007. A divergent mtDNA 
lineage among mesoplodon beaked whales: Molecular 
evidence for a new species in the tropical 
pacific? Marine Mammal Science 23(4): 954-966.

Carney, S.L. et al. 2007. A minimally invasive 
method of field sampling for genetic analyses of 
the florida manatee (Trichechus manatus 
latirostris). Marine Mammal Science 23(4): 

Domning, D.P., J. Thomason, and D.G. Corbett. 
2007. Steller's sea cow in the Aleutian islands. 
Marine Mammal Science 23(4): 976-983.


Fertl, D. 2007. Whales, Dolphins, and other 
Marine Mammals of the World. Marine Mammal 
Science 23(4): 984-986.

Stirling, I. 2007. Sea Lions of the World. Marine 
Mammal Science 23(4): 987-988.


Wetzel, D.L., J.E. Reynolds III, and W.W. 
Christie. 2007. Letters: Identification of Fatty 
Acids by Picolinyl Ester Derivatives. Marine 
Mammal Science 23(4): 989-990.

Budge, S.M., S.J. Iverson, and H.N. Koopman. 
2007. Reply to Wetzel et al.'s Comment: 
"Identification of Fatty Acids by Picolinyl Ester 
Derivatives". Marine Mammal Science 23(4): 

Gentry, R. 2007. Victor B. Scheffer's Centennial 
Year. Marine Mammal Science 23(4): 993-996.


Rauzon, M.J. et al. 2007. Memories: KARL WALTON 
KENYON 1918-2007. Marine Mammal Science 23(4): 


Lapierre, J.L. et al. 2007. Errata. Marine Mammal Science 23(4): 1001.

   Jan Herrmann  <jan.herrmann - at ->

   Vorlesungsreihe Wal und Mensch

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