We are pleased to announce the Wildbook software release v.2021-04-30,
which is reflected in the Flukebook.org platform for cetacean photo ID.

 Wildbook DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4776841
 Wildbook Image Analysis (WBIA) DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4477622

For an overview of Flukebook's multi-species, multi-modal machine learning
for photo ID, please see:


Community support for Wildbook is provided at:


Release notes for April 2021

**Flukebook New Features**

-Improved google maps display for GPS coordinates.

-Users can cycle through annotations in an Encounter Gallery image,
allowing for easier navigation and clearer understanding.

-Added additional data formats for bulk import of genetic data (genotype).

** General Wildbook Bug Fixes **
-WB-1606 Special characters now better supported in Sighting IDs.

-WB-1604 Non-primary annotations now display correctly in IA results.

-WB-1602 Bulk import option to send to detection no longer sends to
identification as well.

-WB-1598 Bulk imports detection operations no longer resulting in periodic
missing detections.

-WB-1591 Bulk imports no longer stripping special characters from all

-WB-1569 Encounter.occurrenceRemarks no longer getting imported twice.

-WB-1539 Submission page no longer defaults to expensive all-location ID

-WB-1537 Missing images no longer returning an error.

WB-1196 Inspect links on IAResults are no longer displayed if there are no
visualized computer vision results associated (per algorithm).

WB-652 Media assets added via the encounter page now display correctly.

**Wildbook-IA Release Notes (Machine Learning)**

The following updates were made to WBIA last month.

SAGE-252 Added ID support with CurvRank V2 on fin whales and grey whales,
including a new multi-species dorsal detector [also SAGE-45].

SAGE-248 New detection support for grey seals (Halichoerus grypus), trained
as a multi-species seal detector.

**Bug Fixes**
- SAGE-259 Fix data migration issue from Flukebook.

 - SAGE-261 Updated automatic security alert rules for secure storage

Jason Holmberg (he/him/his)

Executive Director, Wild Me <https://wildme.org/>

A.I. and humans combating extinction together.
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