Dear MARMAM and ECS Talk subscribers,
Apologies to those of you who will receive duplicate emails due to 
The titles listed below represent the contents of the most recent issue (Volume 
46, issue 5, 2020) of Aquatic Mammals that is published online. This issue 
includes Dr. Blair Irvine’s Historical Perspectives essay, which is introduced 
by Dr. Randy Wells. This issue’s cover commemorates the 50th anniversary of the 
Sarasota Dolphin Research Program. Congratulations!
Aquatic Mammals is the longest running peer-reviewed journal dedicated to 
research on aquatic mammals and is published quarterly with manuscripts 
available as published PDFs in real time. 
Further information about the journal can be found at: <> 

To submit a manuscript for publication consideration, please visit: 

Thank you for your continued interest in the journal and abstract postings.
With regards,
Kathleen M. Dudzinski, Ph.D.
Editor, Aquatic Mammals Journal <>

Volume 46, Issue 4 (Items preceded by an * are open access)
*Ronald A. Kastelein, Lean Helder-Hoek, Suzanne A. Cornelisse, Linde N. 
Defillet, and Léonie A. E. Huijser. (2020). Temporary Threshold Shift in a 
Second Harbor Porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) After Exposure to a One-Sixth-Octave 
Noise Band at 1.5 kHz and a 6.5 kHz Continuous Wave. Aquatic Mammals, 46(5), 
431-443. DOI: 
*Ronald A. Kastelein, Lean Helder-Hoek, Suzanne A. Cornelisse, Léonie A. E. 
Huijser, and Robin Gransier. (2020). Temporary Hearing Threshold Shift at 
Ecologically Relevant Frequencies in a Harbor Porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) Due 
to Exposure to a Noise Band Centered at 88.4 kHz. Aquatic Mammals, 46(5), 
444-453. DOI: 
Errol I. Ronje. (2020). Dart Speed and Energy for Potential Cetacean Remote 
Sampling Devices. Aquatic Mammals, 46(5), 454-460. DOI: 
Seán A. O’Callaghan and Nick Massett. (2020). Short-Beaked Common Dolphins 
(Delphinus delphis) Observed Bow-Riding Basking Sharks (Cetorhinus maximus). 
Aquatic Mammals, 46(5), 461-465. DOI: 
Jared R. Towers, Eric M. Keen, Kelley Balcomb-Bartok, Jason Vonick, and Debbie 
Davis. (2020). Live Strandings of Bigg’s Killer Whales (Orcinus orca) Along the 
West Coast of North America. Aquatic Mammals, 46(5), 466-477. DOI: 
Gonzalo Mucientes and Adriana González-Pestana. (2020). Depredation by Killer 
Whales (Orcinus orca) on a Blue Shark (Prionace glauca) in Northeastern 
Atlantic. Aquatic Mammals, 46(5), 478-482. DOI: 
Mariana C. Neves, Hugo G. Neto, Ana L. Cypriano-Souza, Berenice M. G. da Silva, 
Shirley P. de Souza, Milton C. C. Marcondes, and Marcia H. Engel. (2020). 
Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) Resighted Eight Years After Stranding. 
Aquatic Mammals, 46(5), 483-487. DOI: 
Aline Athayde, Júlio Cardoso, Arlaine Francisco, and Salvatore Siciliano. 
(2020). Bryde’s Whales (Balaenoptera brydei) off the North Coast of São Paulo, 
Brazil: First Photo-Identification Study. Aquatic Mammals, 46(5), 488-501. DOI: 
*Randall S. Wells. (2020). The Sarasota Dolphin Research Program in 2020: 
Celebrating 50 Years of Research, Conservation, and Education. Aquatic Mammals, 
46(5), 502-503. DOI: 
Historical Perspectives

*A. Blair Irvine. (2020). The Accidental Marine Mammalogist. Aquatic Mammals, 
46(5), 504-529. DOI: 

Kathleen M. Dudzinski, Ph.D.
Director, Dolphin Communication Project

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