This email is to announce the intention of the National Fish and Wildlife
Foundation to post a solicitation within the next 30 days. Advanced notice
is provided to alert potentially interested parties given the busy summer
study season, however the official and expanded announcement to follow
should be referenced for all application information. Please feel free to
circulate broadly. *Questions on the solicitation will not be answered
until an official announcement has been made.*


In 2016, the Natural Resource Trustees for the *Deepwater Horizon* oil
spill finalized a comprehensive restoration plan for the Gulf of Mexico
that includes a settlement of up to $8.8 billion in order to resolve claims
for natural resource damages related to the spill. Initial research and
injury assessments indicated injury to various marine mammal species as a
result of the spill. The Trustees proposed funding for various marine
mammal conservation efforts in the Gulf of Mexico to compensate for
injuries incurred by these species. Specifically, the Open Ocean Trustee
Implementation Group approved and funded a marine mammal project titled
“Reduce Impacts of Anthropogenic Noise on Cetaceans” and the project
factsheet is available here:

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) through a partnership with
the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), seeks a
qualified independent Contractor(s) to support work under the initial phase
of the anthropogenic underwater noise reduction project to identify and
prioritize locations and sources of underwater noise within the Gulf of
Mexico based on their impact to cetaceans; and to prioritize noise
reduction opportunities that show the greatest potential for testing in
future phases. This solicitation is part of a larger project that includes
both short and long-term acoustic monitoring that will be used to evaluate
pilot project effectiveness and overall project success.

NFWF will employ a competitive process that assesses the Offerors’ plan for
achieving stated work items, technical qualifications, and cost
considerations. The award level will be based on the Foundation’s
evaluation of the proposal and budget documentation. The contract period of
performance is estimated to be two years but may be extended. The selected
Contractor(s) should have the willingness and ability to start immediately
(within 2 weeks of offer) and travel within the Gulf of Mexico region when
appropriate and safe to do so.


The selected Contractor(s) will support the Project Management Team
(PMT) in the implementation of three tasks; 1) Risk Assessment and Sound
Propagation Modeling, 2) Industry Collaboration and Engagement and 3)
Development of a Recommended Options Paper. Offerors should indicate which
task(s) they wish to complete and describe the knowledge and experience
that qualifies them to perform the role(s) identified. If several Offerors
apply as a team who would collectively perform all three tasks, the
proposal should clearly itemize the distribution of labor expected among
the entities, should ensure that the full list of requirements can be
accounted for across the team as a whole and that a clear plan is proposed
to support coordination among team members, which will be supported by NFWF
if the team is selected. The level of effort required will vary by year and
within a given year. A ‘not to exceed cost’ will be negotiated upon award.

Rebeccah A. Hazelkorn
Protected Resources Division
NOAA, NMFS, Southeast Regional Office
263 13th Avenue South
St. Petersburg, FL  33701
Office: 727-551-5751
Cell: 941-724-3906
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