Dear All!

The non-profit association M.E.E.R. would like to announce it's next
field course in behavioural biology in the Canary Islands:

"Field research of the project M.E.E.R. La Gomera"

from 28 March - 11 April 2014

The project M.E.E.R. La Gomera is conducting a study on the interactions
between cetaceans and whale watching boats since many years. The
participants of these 2-weeks practical courses will get an insight into
the behavioural research conducted from whale watching boats operating
off the island of La Gomera. In this area, 23 cetaceans species could be
identified during the last years, representing one of the highest known
species diversities in the world. A list of publications that resulted
from this project is given below.

The course includes a full training program: the theory and practice of
behavioural research will be learned and profound background information
on whale watching will be given. Research experience that will be gained
includes sighting data recording, behavioural sampling, photo
identification and others.

Moreover, the research is embedded in conservation efforts aiming at the
preservation and promotion of whale watching as a sustainable use of
cetaceans and the establishment of a marine sanctuary in the waters off
La Gomera. M.E.E.R. La Gomera was honoured in 2001 with the
international environmental award "Tourismus und Umwelt", which is
granted since 1987 by the German Association of Travel Agencies and
Travel Operators (DRV). As was said during the bestowal, the project
"realises new ways of co-operation of research and tourism in an
exemplary and innovative way".

For further information (including downloads of a detailed brochure and
a booking form) please visit


One course is offered during the 2014 springtime field season:
28 March - 11 April

There is only a limited number of places left for this course, better book soon!

The price is 899.- € including 7 whale watching research excursions,
accommodation, full training program, scientific supervision, donation
to M.E.E.R. e.V., written working material, certificate of attendance
and one year MEER e.V. membership
(The journey to and from La Gomera is not included in the price.)

For further information, booking, etc., please send an e-mail to

The non-profit association M.E.E.R. is registred and based in Berlin.
The objectives of the association are conservation, research and
education in order to protect cetaceans in their natural habitats. Our
work aims at increasing the public awareness for the oceans and to
present ways how humans can deal with nature in a responsible way.
Our co-operation partners are the "Deutsche Umwelthilfe"
(Radolfzell/Germany) "Gesellschaft zur Rettung der Delphine"
(Munich/Germany), and the "Oceano Gomera" (whale watching operator/La

Publications in conjunction with the work of the project M.E.E.R. La

Ritter, F. & Ladner, U.A. 1996. Whale Watch Research on La Gomera: A new
Interdisciplinary Approach. European Research on Cetaceans 9. Proc. 9th
Ann. Conf. ECS, Lisbon 1996, 48ff.

Ritter, F. 1996. Abundance, Distribution and Behaviour of Cetaceans off
La Gomera (Canary Islands) and Their Interaction with Whale
Watching-Boats and Swimmers. Diploma Thesis to the University of Bremen,
Faculty of Biology. 114pp.

Ritter, F. & Brederlau, B. 1998. First Report of Blue Whales
(Balaenoptera musculus) Frequenting the Canary Island Waters. European
Research on Cetaceans 12. Proc. 12th Ann. Conf. ECS, Monaco, 20-24th
January 1998, 95-98.

Ritter, F. & Brederlau, B. 1999. Abundance, Distribution and Behaviour
of Dense Beaked Whales (Mesoplodon densirostris) off La Gomera (Canary
Islands) and their Interactions with Humans. AQUATIC MAMMALS, 25.2,

Ritter, F. 2001. Twenty-one Cetacean Species off La Gomera (Canary
Islands): Possible Reasons for an extraordinary Species Diversity.
Poster presented at the 11th Annual Conference of the ECS, 5-7 May 2001,
Rome, Italy.

Ritter, F. 2002. Behavioural Observations of Rough-toothed dolphins
(Steno bredanensis) off La Gomera (Canary Islands) with a special
Reference to their Interactions with Humans. AQUATIC MAMMALS 28.1,

Smit, V., Ritter, F. & Neumann, K. 2003. Feasibility study: Land-based
observations of cetaceans off La Gomera. Abstr. 14 Ann. Conf. ECS, Gran
Canaria, Spain.

Ritter, F. 2003. Boat-Related behaviours as a tool for the development
of species-specific whale watching guidelines. Abstr. 14 Ann. Conf. ECS,
Gran Canaria, Spain.

Ritter, F. 2003. Interactions of Cetaceans with Whale Watching Boats -
Implications for the Management of Whale Watching Tourism. M.E.E.R.
e.V., Berlin, Germany, 91 pp.

ORGANISATION. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the ECS, La
Rochelle, France, April 2005.

Ritter, F. & Neumann, K. (2006): The Year of the Whale - Extraorbinary
occurrence of Bryde's whales (Balaenoptera edeni) off La Gomera (Canary
Islands). Poster presented at the 20th Annual Conference of the ECS in
Gdynia, April 2006.

DEAD NEWBORN CALF. Marine Mammal Science, 23(2): 429-433

Scheer, M. & Ritter, F. (2013). Underwater bow-radiated noise characteristics of three types of ferries: implications for vessel-whale collisions in the Canary Islands, Spain. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the ECS, Setubal, Portugal, April2013. P

Ritter, F. (2012). Collisions of sailing vessels with cetaceans worldwide: First insights into a seemingly growing problem. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management, 12(1): 119-127.

Sollfrank, T., Ritter, F. (2012). Watching Cetaceans from Land in the Canary Islands: Implications for the Management of Whale Watching. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the ECS, Galway, Ireland, March 2012.

Ritter, F., Ernert, A. & Smit, V. (2011): A long-term cetacean sighting data set from whale watching operations as a reflection of the environmental dynamics in a multi-species cetacean habitat. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the ECS, Cadiz, Spain, March 2011.

Carrillo, M., and F. Ritter. (2010): Increasing numbers of ship strikes in the Canary Islands: Proposals for immediate action to reduce risk of vessel-whale collisions. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management 11(2):131-138.

Ritter, F. (2010): Quantification of ferry traffic in the Canary Islands (Spain) and its implications for collisions with cetaceans. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management 11(2):139-146.

Smit, V.; Ritter, F., Ernert, A. & Strüh, N. (2010): Habitat partitioning by cetaceans in a multi-species ecosystem around the oceanic island of La Gomera (Canary Islands). Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the ECS, Stralsund, Germany, March 2010.


Fabian Ritter

M.E.E.R. e.V.
Bundesallee 123
D-12161 Berlin

T/F: (0)30-85 07 87 55
e-Mail: rit...@m-e-e-r.de

The dolphins were having a great relaxed time
and there were no major answers they wished
to know the questions to...
(After Douglas Adams)

MARMAM mailing list


Fabian Ritter

M.E.E.R. e.V.
Bundesallee 123
D-12161 Berlin

T/F: (0)30-644 97 230
e-Mail: rit...@m-e-e-r.de


The dolphins were having a great relaxed time
and there were no major answers they wished
to know the questions to...
(After Douglas Adams)

M.E.E.R. ist eingetragen im Vereinsregister Berlin.
Steuer-Nr. (German tax ID): 27/672/54225
M.E.E.R. is a registered charity.
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