We would like to announce a workshop at the 2007 Society for Marine
Mammalogy Meeting.  The Marine Wildlife Behavior Database Workshop will be
held at the Convention Center on Tuesday afternoon, November 27.

We have been working on a project to create and populate a behavioral
database for marine animals. This is intended, in part, to support animal
behavior movement models, including those incorporated into impact
assessment models.

The objectives of the workshop are to convene researchers collecting
behavior data on marine mammals to discuss the proposed standard for
measuring and reporting diving, movement, and acoustic characteristics of
marine wildlife.

We have planned several talks and discussions to review the origin and
status of this effort and also welcome other presenters that may wish to
contribute. Abstracts for submitted talks are due by 17 August and
participants are encouraged to pre-register because space is limited.

The abstract submission page and more details are posted at:
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