Dear Marmamers,
UK-based charity ORCA – Organisation Cetacea ( is offering a 
field research opportunity for a student wishing to complete a Masters thesis 
on behalf of the charity, entitled: 
Understanding fin whale behaviour as a tool for mitigating against large ship 
Ship strikes cause serious injuries and mortalities to whales worldwide, and 
are widely implicated as a major factor affecting the endangered North Atlantic 
Right Whale (Eubalaena glacialis) population. Despite this, world shipping 
activity is predicted to increase by 30% to 50% by 2030. The speed and size of 
vessels is also expected to increase dramatically, with 30% of the world’s 
shipping fleet expected to be too large to pass through the Panama Canal by 
ORCA believes that more research is required to assess how whales behave in 
relation to large vessels, and has developed a project designed to provide a 
basis for future research with consequent recommendations to commercial 
operators to reduce the likelihood of ship strikes. 
ORCA therefore seeks a Masters student to take part in this pioneering project 
to be run in partnership with ferry company Brittany Ferries 
( The chosen researcher will work onboard Brittany 
Ferries flagship ferry Pont Aven, operating between Portsmouth (UK), Santander 
(Spain) and Plymouth (UK), and travelling through the Bay of Biscay. The field 
season will last for a 6 week period between July and September, which is the 
season of highest density of large whales (mostly fin whales (Balaenoptera 
physalus)) in the Bay of Biscay. The project will involve studying the location 
and behaviour of large whales throughout the season using GPS, video 
recordings, and field observations, in order to assess how the behaviour of the 
whales varies spatially, temporally and in relation to the proximity of the 
Please note that ORCA and Brittany Ferries only have resources to provide food 
and accommodation whilst onboard ship. All other expenses, including travel 
expenses, must be borne by the participant. ORCA will also provide logistical 
support during the field season, but all scientific support must be provided by 
the educational institution represented by the Masters student. Equipment 
provision is also the responsibility of the student, most notably a video 
We would like to thank Brittany Ferries for allowing ORCA this opportunity. 
This project is part of a wider environmental programme operated by ORCA and 
Brittany Ferries, which includes long term monitoring of cetaceans and the 
presence of a marine education officer beginning in April 2009.
How to apply
Please send an email to Dylan Walker at detailing your 
experience, your current Masters course, the scientific support available at 
your educational establishment, and why you are interested to take on this 
project as your Masters thesis. 

Dylan Walker
Project Development Manager
ORCA - Organisation Cetacea
17 Embassy Court
Kings Road
Mob: +44 (0)7900 471490

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