Posted on behalf of Dr. Sylvia K. Sikes

Sylvia K. Sikes

Dr Sikes was born and spent her childhood in Kenya, East Africa, and was a
wildlife enthusiast from a very early age. She became familiar with most
species of Kenya's larger animals and also began at the age of five years to
collect, rear and study beetles (Coleoptera). Her secondary education was at
Sidcot School in Somerset, U.K. and then she took a degree in Natural
Sciences (Zoology) at Cambridge University, followed by a Teachers' Diploma
at London University.

Her career began with teaching and lecturing in Africa in the Belgian Congo
(now called the ‘DRC'), Tanzania, Kenya and Nigeria. In 1963 she joined a
London Zoological Society's research team studying cardiovascular disease in
wild animals, as their field worker in East Africa. This progressed to an
intensive study of these diseases in African elephants and resulted in her
London University doctorate, as well as her book ‘The Natural History of the
African Elephant'.

After a brief stint with the Canadian Wildlife Service, she won the
Guardian/Eyre and Spottiswoode bursary to take a yacht, from 1969 to 1970,
to explore Lake Chad, West Africa, described in her books ‘Lake Chad' (1972)
and ‘Lake Chad Versus The Sahara Desert' (2003).

>From 1970 to 1977 she served as Consultant Zoologist (Wildlife) to the
Ministry of Natural Resources, Benue-Plateau State, Nigeria. This was when
she found her remit included manatees, aquatic cousins of the African
elephant, occurring naturally within the area under her surveillance. This
book describes her experience of those manatees.  108 pages with 68 of her
own photos. Price £11 (including postage and packing).  Available for
purchase online at

Caryn Self-Sullivan, Ph.D.
Visiting Assistant Professor, Georgia Southern University
President & Co-founder, Sirenian International
200 Stonewall Drive, Fredericksburg, VA 22401-2110
Email: or
Voice:  540.287.8207 | Fax:  540.242.9196

Adopt a Mermaid Ambassador or Donate online at  The
mission of Sirenian International is to promote the long-term conservation
of manatee and dugong populations and our shared aquatic habitats around the
world through research, educational outreach, and capacity building.  Please
remember us when budgeting for your charitable donations!


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