To whom it may concern,

The photo-identification catalogue and status of the northern resident
killer whale population in 2014 has recently been published as a Canadian
Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. It and the most recent
Bigg’s killer whale photo-identification catalogue can be downloaded from
the publications page at

Towers, J.R., Ellis, G.M. and Ford, J.K.B. 2015. Photo-identification
catalogue and status of the northern resident killer whale population in
2014. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 3139: iv + 75 p.

Field studies of the life history and ecology of killer whale populations
off Canada’s west coast have been conducted annually since 1973. These
studies are based on the identification of individual whales from
photographs of permanent, natural markings. In this report, we summarize
abundance trends in the northern resident killer whale population between
1974 and 2014, and provide an updated photo-identification catalogue of
individuals. In 2014, the northern resident population was composed of 290
whales. The population has grown at an average mean annual rate of 2.2%
since 1974. Continued population monitoring by photo-identification is a
key research activity in the recovery strategy for this threatened

     best regards,

Jared Towers

Cetacean Research Technician

Cetacean Research Program

Pacific Biological Station

Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Nanaimo BC, Canada

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