I am pleased to announce the publication of the following article in Royal 
Society Open Science: 

Leslie, M.S. and P.A. Morin. 2018. Structure and phylogeography of two tropical 
predators, spinner (Stenella longirostris) and pantropical spotted (S. 
attenuata) dolphins, from SNP data. R. Soc. open sci. 5 171615; DOI: 
10.1098/rsos.171615. Published 25 April 2018

Abstract: Little is known about global patterns of genetic connectivity in 
pelagic dolphins, including how circumtropical pelagic dolphins spread globally 
following the rapid and recent radiation of the subfamily delphininae. In this 
study, we tested phylogeographic hypotheses for two circumtropical species, the 
spinner dolphin (Stenella longirostris) and the pantropical spotted dolphin 
(Stenella attenuata), using more than 3000 nuclear DNA single nucleotide 
polymorphisms (SNPs) in each species. Analyses for population structure 
indicated significant genetic differentiation between almost all subspecies and 
populations in both species. Bayesian phylogeographic analyses of spinner 
dolphins showed deep divergence between Indo-Pacific, Atlantic and eastern 
tropical Pacific Ocean (ETP) lineages. Despite high morphological variation, 
our results show very close relationships between endemic ETP spinner 
subspecies in relation to global diversity. The dwarf spinner dolphin is a 
monophyletic subspecies nested within a major clade of pantropical spinner 
dolphins from the Indian and western Pacific Ocean populations. 
Population-level division among the dwarf spinner dolphins was detected—with 
the northern Australia population being very different from that in Indonesia. 
In contrast to spinner dolphins, the major boundary for spotted dolphins is 
between offshore and coastal habitats in the ETP, supporting the current 
subspecies-level taxonomy. Comparing these species underscores the different 
scale at which population structure can arise, even in species that are similar 
in habitat (i.e. pelagic) and distribution.

The open access full text of the paper can be found here: 

Many thanks,


Matthew S. Leslie Ph.D.
Secretary’s Distinguished Research Fellow
National Museum of Natural History
Smithsonian Institution

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