Dear MARMAM subscribers,

OceanCare is delighted to inform you about our new animated video SAvE Whales 
addressing the threat posed to whales by ship strikes.

The short video focuses on the situation of the endangered sperm whale 
population in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. It provides a very concise and 
straight forward explanation of the problem these whales face and what needs to 
be done to prevent collisions (such as re-routing and speed reduction).  
Furthermore, it presents the SAvE Whales system, the first real-time acoustic 
observatory for sperm whale 
 which has been developed as a complementary tool for high-risk areas where 
re-routing is not an option.

The video is available on our YouTube channel in English, German, Greek and 

We hope you find the video useful and would be grateful if you can share it via 
your communication channels.

2022 - A year in which progress has being made.

We are proud to report about progress being made and the following examples are 
a demonstration of milestones we could achieve when working in partnership, 
close collaboration and through dialogue.

OceanCare is proud of working closely with IFAW, the Pelagos Cetacean Research 
Institute and WWF Greece as a Coalition reaching out to shipping companies 
urging them to re-route based on scientific advice to avoid ship strikes when 
navigating through core sperm whale habitat.

*         In February 2021, NAVTEX warnings were issued by the Greek government 
in collaboration with the shipping industry informing ships transiting through 
the area on the presence of sperm whales and recommending them to take action 
to avoid ship collisions.

*         In January 2022, the world's largest shipping company, MSC, publicly 
announced to re-route according to the proposal from our Coalition.

*         In May 2022 the successful results of the SAvE Whales pilot project 
have been published in Frontiers of Marine Science.

*         In June 2022, the German Shipowners Association (VDR) urged all its 
Members (around 150 shipping companies) to re-route accordingly.

*         In October 2022, the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) 
communicated the re-routing advise by VDR as shining example recommended its 
global members to follow suit.

Other shipping companies have also taken a similar approach or are currently 
negotiating with the Coalition.

SAvE Whales System

The SAvE Whales system has been developed by an international and 
multi-disciplinary team of experts led by Greek researchers from Pelagos 
Cetacean Research Institute and the Institute of Applied and Computational 
Mathematics - FORTH. Other partners of the OceanCare project have been CINTAL - 
University of Algarve, Marine Traffic, Green2Sustain.

We are now excited about our close collaboration with THE GREEN TANK in Greece 
in offering the system to make use of by the Greek authorities.

For more information about the threat ship strikes pose to whales, please visit 
our new website at:

Kind regards,

Sigrid and Nicolas

PS: Between the 29th of November and the 2nd of December, the 8th Meeting of 
the ACCOBAMS Parties takes place. OceanCare is an official Partner of ACCOBAMS 
and engages in numerous initiatives to better protect whales and dolphins in 
the Mediterranean and Black Seas. Together with our partners, IFAW, Pelagos 
Cetacean Research Institute and WWF Greece, we are going to host a side-event 
about ship strike avoidance at the MOP8 on December 1st.

Sigrid Lueber, President and Founder
Gerbestrasse 6, P.O.Box 372
CH-8820 Waedenswil - Switzerland
Phone: +41-44-780 6688
Directline: +41-43- 477 6124
Cellphone +41-79-475 2687<><,1,pAR3G_wFnOZ6B-KqCdbrwaQRKzNeJkW7ymP8HYp6vjSoj1MWUJfSP34-b8AfwJ_mVRv6EYnx-kQ09AAd8flM1rJCkm3b-iGnTpB-_ouAeNF1iU9EkHxyjA,,&typo=1>

OceanCare is a Swiss non-profit organisation. It was founded in 1989 and has a 
strong commitment to realistic and cooperative initiatives. The organisation 
works at national and international level in the areas of marine pollution, 
environmental changes, fisheries, whaling, sealing, captivity of marine mammals 
and public education.

OceanCare holds Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social 
Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC) and is partner of the General Fisheries 
Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM), the Convention on Migratory Species 
(CMS), and the UNEP/CMS Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans in the Black 
Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Contiguous Atlantic Area (ACCOBAMS), as well as 
UNEP/MAP. Since 2021, OceanCare is accredited observer to the Convention on 
Biological Diversity (CBD) and the International Seabed Authority (ISA). The 
organisation has been an observer at the IWC since 1992. OceanCare has also 
been accredited as part of the Major Group 'Science & Technology' to the United 
Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA), which is the governing body of UNEP and is 
a part of the UNEP Global Partnership on Marine Litter.

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