
The following review paper has been published online this week. Please contact 
me at if you would like a PDF.

Best wishes,


Rendell L, Cantor M, Gero S, Whitehead H, Mann J. 2019 Causes and consequences 
of female centrality in cetacean societies. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 374: 

Cetaceans are fully aquatic predatory mammals that have successfully colonized 
virtually all marine habitats. Their adaptation to these habitats, so radically 
different from those of their terrestrial ancestors, can give us comparative 
insights into the evolution of female roles and kinship in mammalian societies. 
We provide a review of the diversity of such roles across the Cetacea, which 
are unified by some key and apparently invariable life-history features. 
Mothers are uniparous, while paternal care is completely absent as far as we 
currently know. Maternal input is extensive, lasting months to many years. 
Hence, female reproductive rates are low, every cetacean calf is a significant 
investment, and offspring care is central to female fitness. Here strategies 
diverge, especially between toothed and baleen whales, in terms of mother-calf 
association and related social structures, which range from ephemeral grouping 
patterns to stable, multi-level, societies in which socia!
 l groups are strongly organized around female kinship. Some species exhibit 
social and/or spatial philopatry in both sexes, a rare phenomenon in 
vertebrates. Communal care can be vital, especially among deep-diving species, 
and can be supported by female kinship. Female-based sociality, in its diverse 
forms, is therefore a prevailing feature of cetacean societies. Beyond the key 
role in offspring survival, it provides the substrate for significant vertical 
and horizontal cultural transmission, as well as the only definitive non-human 
examples of menopause.

This is one contribution of 17 to a theme issue 'The evolution of female-biased 
kinship in humans and other mammals':

Dr. Luke Rendell
MASTS ( Reader in Biology
Tel: (44)(0)1334 463499
Twitter: @_lrendell
School of Biology, University of St. Andrews Sir Harold Mitchell Building, St. 
Andrews, Fife
KY16 9TH


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