Dear MARMAM subscribers,

We are pleased to announce a new publication:

Bishop, A., Pomeroy, P., & Twiss, S.D. (2015).
Breeding male grey seals exhibit similar activity budgets across varying 
exposures to human activity.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 527:247-259.

Human−wildlife interactions can be incidental or direct through activities such 
as wildlife tourism. In the presence of anthropogenic activities, some animals 
exhibit behavioural alterations such as increased vigilance or spatial 
displacement. Thus, chronic exposure could be adverse to individual fitness 
through loss of energy or time. Pinnipeds are exposed to human activities in 
the aquatic environment and on land, but the degree of exposure varies across a 
species’ geographic distribution. For example, breeding colonies of grey seals 
Halichoerus grypus along the mainland coast of England are exposed to 
anthropogenic disturbance in the forms of tourism and military activities; 
however, many offshore colonies are relatively undisturbed. Due to the recent 
expansion of mainland colonies, the impacts of human presence during the 
breeding season are of urgent interest for managers. Therefore, the aim of this 
study was to test for any behavioural adjustments associated with anthropogenic 
presence by comparing the activity budgets of individual male grey seals at a 
mainland colony with activity budgets from 2 isolated colonies. We found no 
evidence of differences in the male activity budgets for time spent in 
non-active behaviours across colonies, and of the 3 colonies, males on the 
mainland spent the least amount of time alert. This indicates that as capital 
breeders, selection for conservation of energy is potentially overriding 
short-term costs of local stressors or that males at the mainland colony have 
habituated to human presence. Our results demonstrate the importance of 
understanding species- and life-history-stage-specific selection pressures when 
considering management actions.

The article can be found at:

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Kind regards,


Amanda Bishop
PhD Student
Durham University
School of Biological and Biomedical Sciences

office: +44 (0)1913341247

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