Dear colleagues,
Have you ever wondered how cetaceans locate and discriminate prey?
If so, you may be interested in my recent review paper published in Marine 
Mammal Science about how cetaceans use their senses to find prey depending on 
distance to target:
A sense of scale: Foraging cetaceans' use of scale-dependent multimodal sensory 
The paper is open access, so freely downloadable here:

Research on cetacean foraging ecology is central to our understanding oftheir 
spatial and behavioral ecology. Yet, functional mechanisms by whichcetaceans 
detect prey across different scales remain unclear. Here, I postulate 
thatcetaceans utilize a scale-dependent, multimodal sensory system to assess 
andincrease prey encounters. I review the literature on cetacean sensory 
systemsrelated to foraging ecology, and hypothesize the effective scales of 
eachsensory modality to inform foraging opportunities. Next, I build 
two“scale-of-senses” schematics for the general groups of dolphins and 
baleenwhales. These schematics illustrate the hypothetical interchange of 
sensory modalities used tolocate and discriminate prey at spatial scales 
ranging from 0 m to 1,000 km:(1) vision, (2) audition (sound production and 
sound reception), (3)chemoreception, (4) magnetoreception, and somatosensory 
perception of (5) preyor (6) oceanographic stimuli. The schematics illustrate 
how a cetacean may integratesensory modalities to form an adaptive foraging 
landscape as a function ofdistance to prey. The scale-of-senses schematic is 
flexible, allowing forcase-specific application and enhancement with improved 
cetacean sensory data.The framework serves to improve our understanding of 
functional cetaceanforaging ecology, and to develop new hypotheses, methods, 
and results regardinghow cetaceans forage at multiple scales. 

Leigh Torres, Ph.D.Assistant Professor; Oregon Sea GrantDepartment of Fisheries 
and Wildlife, Marine Mammal Institute Oregon State University, Hatfield Marine 
Science Center2030 SE Marine Science DriveNewport, OR 97365, 
U.S.A541-867-0895Webpage: Lab blog:  

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