The following was just published:

Horton, T.W., Hauser, N. Zerbini, A.N., Francis, M.P., Domeier, M.L.,
Andriolo, A., Costa, D.P., Robinson, P.W., Duffy, C.A.J., Nasby-Lucas, N.,
Holdaway, R.N. & Clapham, P.J.  2018.  Route fidelity during marine
megafauna migration.  Frontiers in Marine Science

ABSTRACT  The conservation and protection of marine megafauna require
robust knowledge of where and when animals are located. Yet, our ability to
predict animal distributions in space and time remains limited due to
difficulties associated with studying elusive animals with large home
ranges. The widespread deployment of satellite telemetry technology creates
unprecedented opportunities to remotely monitor animal movements and to
analyse the spatial and temporal trajectories of these movements from a
variety of geophysical perspectives. Reproducible patterns in movement
trajectories can help elucidate the potential mechanisms by which marine
megafauna navigate across vast expanses of open-ocean. Here, we present an
empirical analysis of humpback whale (*Megaptera novaeangliae*), great
white shark (*Carcharodon carcharias*), and northern elephant seal (*Mirounga
angustirostris*) satellite telemetry-derived route fidelity movements in
magnetic and gravitational coordinates. Our analyses demonstrate that: (1)
humpback whales, great white sharks and northern elephant seals are capable
of performing route fidelity movements across millions of square kilometers
of open ocean with a spatial accuracy of better than 150 km despite
temporal separations as long as 7 years between individual movements; (2)
route fidelity movements include significant (p < 0.05) periodicities that
are comparable in duration to the lunar cycles and semi-cycles; (3)
latitude and bedrock-dependent gravitational cues are stronger predictors
of route fidelity movements than spherical magnetic coordinate cues when
analyzed with respect to the temporally dependent moon illumination cycle.
We further show that both route fidelity and non-route fidelity movement
trajectories, for all three species, describe overlapping in-phase or
antiphase sinusoids when individual movements are normalized to the
gravitational acceleration present at migratory departure sites. Although
these empirical results provide an inductive basis for the development of
testable hypotheses and future research questions, they cannot be taken as
evidence for causal relations between marine megafauna movement decisions
and geophysical cues. Experiments on model organisms with known
sensitivities to gravity and magnetism, complemented by further empirical
observation of free-ranging animals, are required to fully explore how
animals use discrete, or potentially integrated, geophysical cues for
orientation and navigation purposes.

The paper is open access, and a pdf reprint is available at:

Phillip J. Clapham, Ph.D.
Leader, Cetacean Assessment and Ecology Program
Marine Mammal Laboratory
Alaska Fisheries Science Center
7600 Sand Point Way NE
Seattle, WA 98115, USA

Associate Editor, *Royal Society Open Science*

tel 206 526 4037
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