?Dear all

We are happy to announce our recent publication:

Boat-based tourism and bottlenose dolphins in Doubtful Sound, New Zealand: The 
role of management in decreasing dolphin-boat interactions.

M. Guerra and S. M. Dawson (2016) Tourism Management 57: 3-9.

For a PDF please follow this link: 
http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0261517716300802 or email 


Indirect non-lethal effects of wildlife tourism have the potential to 
compromise the long-term health of animal populations. While appropriate 
management of impacts is clearly necessary, such management is rarely reported 
to be effective. Doubtful Sound (New Zealand) has boat-based scenic cruises 
running year-round. This fjord is also home to an endangered population of 
bottlenose dolphins, a natural asset for the local tourism industry. A 
voluntary code of management (COM) was implemented in 2008 to alleviate vessel 
impacts, establishing guidelines to leave dolphin encounters to chance and 
restricting vessel traffic in areas of critical habitat. The frequency and 
duration of interactions decreased substantially since the implementation of 
the COM. This evidence shows that a science-based voluntary agreement has the 
potential to mitigate tourism impacts. Nevertheless, due to the small size of 
the population and its history of low calf survival, a precautionary approach 
is necessary to further reduce current anthropogenic impacts.

Best wishes,

Marta Guerra

PhD candidate
Department of Marine Science
University of Otago, Dunedin
Aotearoa - New Zealand
ph: +64 226784245
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