Dear MarMamers
My coauthors and I would like to share our new publication on conditioned heart 
rate responses in dolphins 
( In 
this study we show that the change in heart rate during diving varies depending 
on anticipation. This suggest that dolphins conditionally reduce their heart 
rate, and these results provide further evidence for the Selective Gas Exchange 
hypothesis ( 
that explains how marine mammals can selective exchange oxygen and carbon 
dioxide without exchange of nitrogen and thereby maximize aerobic dive duration 
and also minimize the risk of the bends (see below for short video explaining 
this hypothesis).

For more information, the title and abstract is below and also a link to the 
open access article. In addition, we have also included a video abstract of the 
paper, and also a link to an educational video explaining the Selective Gas 
Exchange hypothesis.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in contact:

Title: Conditioned variation in heart rate during static breath-holds in the 
bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus)

Authors: Fahlman,A., Cozzi, B.,  Manley, M., Jabas, S.,  Malik, M., Blawas A., 
and Janik, V.M..

DOI: 10.3389/fphys.2020.604018


Abstract: Previous reports suggested the existence of direct somatic motor 
control over heartrate (fH) responses during diving in some marine mammals, as 
the result of a cognitive and/or learning process rather than being a reflexive 
response. This would be beneficial for O2 storage management, but would also 
allow ventilation-perfusion matching for selective gas exchange, where O2 and 
CO2 can be exchanged with minimal exchange of N2. Such a mechanism explains how 
air breathing marine vertebrates avoid diving related gas bubble formation 
during repeated dives, and how stress could interrupt this mechanism and cause 
excessive N2 exchange. To investigate the conditioned response, we measured the 
fH-response before and during static breath-holds in three bottlenose dolphins 
(Tursiops truncatus) when shown a visual symbol to perform either a long (LONG) 
or short (SHORT) breath-hold, or during a spontaneous breath-hold without a 
symbol (NS). The average fH (ifHstart), and the rat!
 e of change in fH (difH/dt) during the first 20 s of the breath-hold differed 
between breath-hold types. In addition, the minimum instantaneous fH (ifHmin), 
and the average instantaneous fH during the last 10 s (ifHend) also differed 
between breath-hold types. The difH/dt was greater, and the ifHstart, ifHmin, 
and ifHend were lower during a LONG as compared with either a SHORT, or an NS 
breath-hold (P < 0.05). Even though the NS breath-hold dives were longer in 
duration as compared with SHORT breath-hold dives, the difH/dt was greater and 
the ifHstart, ifHmin, and ifHend were lower during the latter (P < 0.05). In 
addition, when the dolphin determined the breath-hold duration (NS), the fH was 
more variable within and between individuals and trials, suggesting a 
conditioned capacity to adjust the fHresponse. These results suggest that 
dolphins have the capacity to selectively alter the fH-response during diving 
and provide evidence for significant cardiovascular plasticity
in dolphins.

Video summary:

Explanation of the Selective Gas Exchange hypothesis:

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