Dear MARMAM community,

on behalf of my co-authors, I am excited to share our paper on diel 
spatiotemporal trends of humpback whale singers in Hawai’i that was just 
published in Royal Society Open Science. You can find this Open Access article 
following this link: 

Kügler A, Lammers MO, Pack AA, Tenorio-Hallé L, Thode AM. 2024 Diel 
spatio-temporal patterns of humpback whale singing on a high-density breeding 
ground. R. Soc. Open Sci. 11: 230279.


Humpback whale song chorusing dominates the marine soundscape in Hawai‘i during 
winter months, yet little is known about spatio-temporal habitat use patterns 
of singers. We analysed passive acoustic monitoring data from five sites off 
Maui and found that ambient noise levels associated with song chorusing 
decreased during daytime hours nearshore but increased offshore. To resolve 
whether these changes reflect a diel offshore–onshore movement or a temporal 
difference in singing activity, data from 71 concurrently conducted land-based 
theodolite surveys were analysed. Non-calf pods (n= 3082), presumably including 
the majority of singers, were found further offshore with increasing time of 
the day. Separately, we acoustically localized 217 nearshore singers using 
vector-sensors. During the day, distances to shore and minimum distances among 
singers increased, and singers switched more between being stationary and 
singing while travelling. Together, these findings suggest that the observed 
diel trends in humpback whale chorusing off Maui represent a pattern of active 
onshore–offshore movement of singers. We hypothesize that this may result from 
singers attempting to reduce intraspecific acoustic masking when densities are 
high nearshore and avoidance of a loud, non-humpback, biological evening chorus 
offshore, creating a dynamic of movement of singers aimed at increasing the 
efficiency of their acoustic display.

Kind regards,
Anke Kügler PhD
Postdoctoral Researcher
Bioacoustics and Behavioral Ecology Lab
Syracuse University
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