Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the publication of the following in the Journal
of Environmental Protection:

E. Dazey, B. McIntosh, S. Brown and K. Dudzinski, "Assessment of Underwater
Anthropogenic Noise Associated with Construction Activities in Bechers Bay,
Santa Rosa Island, California," Journal of Environmental Protection, Vol. 3
No. 10, 2012, pp. 1286-1294.

ABSTRACT: Acoustic monitoring and mitigation of underwater construction
noise was conducted during marine pier demolition and reconstruction
activities near Santa Rosa Island, California. Activities spanned two
construction seasons and used both auger and pneumatic percussion drilling
methods for pile placement. Pile drilling activities during construction
resulted in sound pressure levels (SPL) ranging from 121.0 to 184.5 dB re 1
μPa. No significant difference was found for calculated source SPLs between
the Season 1 and Season 2 methods of pile drilling (KW = 2.28, p = 0.15).
Additionally, no significant difference was found for calculated source
SPLs during active drilling between the Season 1 and Season 2 methods of
pile drilling (KW = 3.39, p = 0.07). The average calculated source SPL
documented during this study was lower than the NOAA Fisheries mandated
safety zone threshold (160.0 dB re 1 μPa [rms]) for harassment to marine
mammals. This is the first known report of SPL data collected in concert
with marine pile drilling via the auger drilling technique. The results
from this study can be used to improve information for and assist with the
development of regulatory policies and techniques regarding sound level
thresholds and mitigation monitoring.

KEYWORDS: Acoustic Monitoring; Pile Drilling; Mitigation; Channel Islands

The paper is Open Access and available here:

Erica Dazey

Marine Scientist
Geo-Marine, Inc.
Plano, Texas 75074
(972) 423-5480 |
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