On behalf of my co-authors, I am pleased to announce the publication of our
new research article on the current issue of Marine Ecology Progress

Tatsch, A., Proietti, M., Zanini, R., Fruet, P., & Secchi, E. (2021).
Beyond genetic differences: Epigenetic variation in common bottlenose
dolphins *Tursiops truncatus* from contrasting marine ecosystems. Marine
Ecology Progress Series, 671, 219–233.

*Abstract: *Recent genetic and morphological studies have indicated an
incipient ecological divergence between 2 ecotypes of common bottlenose
dolphin *Tursiops truncatus* in the Southwestern Atlantic. However, genetic
variation is not the only molecular mechanism that alters the phenotype of
these animals: epigenetics can also influence phenotypic plasticity, as
well as the ecological adaptation and divergence of natural populations.
Nevertheless, very little is known about the role that epigenetics plays in
the population ecology of marine mammals. In this work, we tested whether
there are differences in DNA methylation patterns between a coastal and an
offshore ecotype of common bottlenose dolphin. Methylation patterns were
analyzed using the methylation-sensitive amplified polymorphism technique
on biopsy samples collected from animals of both ecotypes. We found
consistent differences in DNA methylation patterns between coastal and
offshore individuals. We also confirmed the genetic differences described
in previous studies, indicating that the divergence between ecotypes has
both genetic and epigenetic components. Our data show that it is possible
to differentiate animals from the coastal and offshore ecotypes using DNA
methylation markers, supporting the hypothesis that contrasting
environments — which are decisive for the ecological divergence of these
populations — lead to epigenetic modifications in common bottlenose

The article is available at https://doi.org/10.3354/meps13761

Please feel free to contact us via email (ana.tat...@furg.br) for any
questions or a pdf copy of the paper.

Best regards,

Ana Carolina Tatsch
MSc. Ana Carolina Correa Tatsch
Doutoranda do Programa de Pós-graduação em Oceanografia Biológica - PPGOB
Laboratório de Ecologia e Conservação da Megafauna Marinha- EcoMega
Instituto de Oceanografia - IO
Laboratório de Ecologia Molecular Marinha - LEMM
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande - FURG
Rio Grande/RS - Brasil
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