Dear MARMAMMers,

My co-authors and I are stoked to share our recent publication with you.

Wege M, Bornemann H, & Bester MN (2023). The nightlife of a Ross seal:
Diving and haul-out behaviour from the eastern Weddell Sea. Antarctic
Science, 1–12.
[Published as Open Access]

Abstract: Ross seals (*Ommatophoca rossii*) travel away from the pack ice
and spend most of their year foraging pelagically. Here, we augment the few
existing records of Ross seal diving and haul-out behaviour, providing
novel insights into how these are influenced diurnally and seasonally. We
used biologging devices that recorded the dive behaviour (n = 5) and/or
haul-out behaviour (n = 9) of Ross seals in the eastern Weddell Sea
(2016–2019). Ross seals mostly dived between 100 and 200 m deep, often >
300 m, and for 5–12 min in duration, often > 20 min. During March–July,
when Ross seals forage pelagically, diving metrics varied diurnally. The
seals dived deeper during twilight and shallowest at night, while the
number of dives and diving duration did not follow a clear diurnal pattern.
Consequently, diving effort was highest during the night. Ross seals
preferentially hauled out in the middle of the day during September,
October, February and December, but not during the rest of the year. Three
females that entered the pack ice during breeding season were hauled out
continuously for 5–7 days, punctuated by water entries for 1–3 h during
and/or after such continuous haul-outs over the breeding season. This
behaviour might suggest that Ross seals alternate between capital and
facultative income breeding.

All the best,

Mia Wege, PhD (she/her)

Department of Zoology & Entomology
University of Pretoria

+27 (0)78 002 3951
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